Day 5, 21 November 2011 :>
Okay today Isnin. Then I'm sit for paper Pendidikan Islam. Time tu takut gila weh. Mmg semua org ckp Agama lh sng nk score, but bila aku je worst Hmmmph -,-' Aku dah fobia dh semenjak dpt markah Agama teruk masa trial. Satu je subjek yg spoil result aku. Tp nak buat mcm mana, dh time exam Agama aku hentam ayat tah ape ape. So SPM ni aku try sedaya upaya buat yg terbaik untuk Agama. Yes I'm confident with my self, but I can't over confident. Berserah pada Tuhan je :)
Day 6, 24 November 2011 :>
Kay I'm so excited, and really really tak percaya yg today last paper and last day for SPM. Ohh God! Cepatnya masa berlalu =/ Hmm itulah masa sekarang ni lebih berharga daripada berlian. kay whatever it is last paper for today is Science. Hmmm I'm pray that Science I'll get a goooood result soon. Apa yg perlu skg berdoa je :) Everything was good. Science alhamdulillah aku boleh jawab, hihi.
24 November 2011