Okay today dh keluar Breaking Dawn dan aku tk dpt tengok on first day, huaaaaaaaaaa :'( Erghh I thought dpt tgk on first day, tp nak buat mcm mana tkda rezeki kan. Hmm hope dpt tgk minggu dpn yeayy! :D First tgk Twilight dgn kawan, New Moon pun dgn kawan, Eclipse pun dgn kawan, Breaking Dawn ni tah dpt tgk dgn sape tahh agaknya ya. Hmm we'll see ;) Okay lerrr I really can't wait to watch it! Wehuuu ~ The most important thing is I can't wait to watch my Edward baby, ohh I miss you my handsome vampire. Muahaha :P And also the others, the Cullen family. Hihi to Jacob, the handsome and tough wolf you too k ;) Ahaaa and expecially I really want to watch Renesmee Cullen, the cutie one! Heeeee :D
25 November 2011