20 Oct 2011
It's Finish :)
Kayyy today last day Seminar Pecutan 3p SPM dijalankan anjuran MARA, thanks again to MARA cause support us. Truly I'm said that I'm very thankful cause I'm soo luckyy and I got a lottt of information in this past 6 days seriously. Thanks to cikgu/penceramah yg dtg, semua nya berpengalaman dan bagus. Tapi yg betul betul memberangsangkan adalah cikgu matematik, sumpah kelakar. Satu hari selama 8 jam dgn dia, rasa mcm sekejap je blaja math, sbb seronok sgt asyik gelak gelak, tak boring. Muehehe kalau lh dia jadi cikgu math aku dr dulu kan bgs, mst exam math aku A+ jea :> Whatever it is, program ni betul betul berkesan. Hihihihi I appriciate it a lot. Btw next week cuti Deepavali, and only sehari je sekolah. Waaaaahhh best nyaaa, and kena dduk ruma doing revision jelah. Muahahah. Kay tkpe, SPM for future right? And from now, kira kira hari tolak semua cuti, SPM tinggal lbh kurang sepuluh hari je weeyyy. Boleh kira pakai jari, seriously I can't believe it :/ Rasa mcm baru masuk sekolah, ini lah yg org kata tak sedar diri -,- Okaykay now I want to study hard, no more words 'study smarts' in my brain. Pray for me you guys :)